Saturday, January 28, 2012

We Go Furniture Shopping

Today, we went shopping for furniture at Jubilee Furniture. We had so much fun picking out furniture that was our favorite.

Some of our favorites were:

My favorite headboard.

Ella's Favorite Headboard

Sadie's favorite headboard

Sadie's favorite headboard: a closeup

Abe's favorite headboard

A cool crescent mirror thing.


Aren't the windmill designs awesome?

Isen't the note funny? I think the sofa isn't that spoiled though.

In Catland, a game my siblings play, Ella's family, the Whuffers, who are rich, have this in their house in every room.

Again, in every room the Whuffers have these reading lamps.

For the Whuffer's house.

For the the Whuffers house.

For the Whuffers house

Do I really need to say it again?

For Sadie's favorite stuffed animal, Hanna's, room

For my favorite stuffed animal, Kitty's, room.

The grand lamp in the Meowie's (Kitty and Hanna's family) house.




You can guess.

Meowie! (Finally!)

Sadie's kettle, or so she wishes.

"Sadie's" desk

Beautiful gold trimming!

My pine desk.

Ella's desk.

Ella's mirror

Ella's table

Lovely table!

Ella's sofa

We left Jubilee Furniture hungry and with half a set of dishes. I had such a blast searching for furniture that I would readily go again.

P.S Everything you see we wish we had, but is not really ours.

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